Current Projects
This 60m video work is a mandala composed entirely of Chamberlin’s photographs of a Northern Parula, a migratory warbler that died in a collision with a high-rise bank window in downtown Muncie, Indiana. The mandala completes one sequence each hour.
These images are part of Basking in Gravity: Dead Bird Blues, a participatory mindfulness installation combining yoga, meditation, and a soundtrack of New Age, ambient, drone, dub, and “cosmic metal,” as heard on Chamberlin’s weekly Inter-Dimensional Music broadcast on WQRT Indianapolis and Marfa Public Radio in Far West Texas. Dead Bird Blues has been installed at Healer (Indianapolis, IN) and Magick City (Brooklyn, NY).
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Forest of the Wabash Condensation Mandala (2019)
This 60-minute video work is comprised of Chamberlin’s slowing rotating and shifting photographs from an old-growth section of Beall Woods State Park in Southeastern Illinois. Diptych images are digital prints taken from the video work.
Forest of the Wabash Condensation Mandala was part of the March 14 and April 25, 2019 Lay Your Body Down drone yoga installations at PlySpace Gallery in Muncie, Indiana.
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Adirondacks Liverwort Heart Sutra (2019)
Adirondacks Liverwort Heart Sutra (2019) is a 60-minute botanical mandala video composed of Chamberlin’s original photographs of liverworts, lichens, and other flora of the Adirondack Region of Upstate New York. The work includes language from the Heart Sutra, one of the foundational texts of Mahayana Buddhism: “Also no attainment with nothing to attain.”
This work was part of the Basking in Gravity: Yin Yoga for Black Flags Over Brooklyn mindfulness installation at Magick City, New York on January 26, 2019.
This botanical mandala is made from Chamberlin’s original photographs from several Indiana parks. The work includes language from the Heart Sutra, one of the foundational texts of Mahayana Buddhism: “Also no attainment with nothing to attain.”
A 60-minute video of Indiana Heart Sutra – in which the mandala slowly revolves over the course of the hour – is part of Chamberlin’s ongoing collaborative Lay Your Body Down drone yoga series. These evenings of slow movement also include live improvisational audio drones from Mark Perretta.