The Last Marriage of Space and Time (2015)

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The Last Marriage of Space and Time
Daniel Chamberlin
Marfa Book Company
August 28 – September 18, 2015

The Last Marriage of Space and Time is a new body of work from Marfa-based artist Daniel Chamberlin. Chamberlin’s collaged photographs of crystals and minerals are paired with text taken from J.G. Ballard’s The Crystal World (1966), including a line from Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Adonais, as quoted in the novel. The Crystal World is set in the riverside jungles of Gabon, and sits among Ballard’s natural disaster/apocalypse novels – see also: The Wind From Nowhere (1961), The Drowned World (1962) and The Drought (1964). It tells the story of a doctor traveling to a remote leper colony while contending with an environmental catastrophe in which life on Earth seems to be slowly succumbing to mass crystallization.

Chamberlin’s works feature language from the novel, and take inspiration from the designs of William Morris, the text-based work of Ed Ruscha, and the back patch textiles of the metal and punk communities. The wall hangings are printed on linen-cotton canvas; the typeface is Cloister Black, a font that originates in the early 1900s, but was adopted in the ‘80s and onward by metal bands such as Bathory and Nails.

Prints are on linen-cotton canvas in unlimited edition. Available indefinitely from Marfa Book Company for $200. Various sizes, approximately 38 x 56 inches. Inquire with MBCo for specific dimensions. More images at Into the Green.

Phone: 432-729-3906